Supply and Demand Considerations for Renewable Power Systems can significantly vary the quantity and capacity of each power system component
Each User and Location would have a specific Load Demand curve (loads and durations), and they could vary daily, weekly, or monthly
Each Renewable Type would have different intermittency which would vary depending on weather, month, season, etc. (and sometimes can be zero (0) depending on weather). Solar PV and Wind Power typically have different intermittencies and can sometimes be out of phase (e.g., sun in day-time and wind at night-time).
One combination of Combined Load Demand, Solar PV Output, and Wind Power Output – but many combinations possible depending on weather, month, season, etc..
For a particular User and Location, we would evaluate Load Demand curves, suitability of each type of intermittent renewable for the location, whether any persistent renewable was possible for the location (i.e. Geothermal or Hydropower), and then calculate the optimal size of each renewable energy source and the amount of Energy Storage System required (both short and long duration, and low to high capacity) to deliver reliable power on demand.
The total CAPEX and OPEX would be able to be calculated and the Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) in $/kWh reported to help evaluate the solution.