Welcome to Geoviridien – An Alternative Energy Technology Company. Over the next few posts, we hope to focus a spotlight on important and innovative technologies and developments in the Energy Transition. The name “Geoviridien” originated from three words: “Geo”=Earth, “Viridi”=Green, and “En”=Energy or “Earth’s Green Energy”. Individuals and organisations in […]
Stellae Energy Ltd
With intermittent renewable energies like Solar PV and Wind Turbines, it is necessary to consider energy storage to cover the times when the wind does not blow or the Sun does not shine. Short duration energy storage systems cover outages up to 4 hours and provide substantial grid stability. These […]
Literally beneath our feet is an incredible source of heat energy called Geothermal Energy. Over 99% of the Earth is over 100degC. Within reasonable well drilling depths (down to~5000m) it is possible to find locations with geothermal temperature gradients over 35-40 degC/km. Geothermal heat comes from (1) volcanic/magmatic sources along […]
Another popular renewable energy source has been Wind Turbines. Large onshore and offshore wind farms have been scaled up to significant energy levels. Unit costs have dropped over 90% in the past decade making this particularly attractive. •Wind turbines from tens of kilowatts up to 20 megawatts are being used […]
The Energy Transition involves a series of steps that many companies are making to improve their performance: Improve energy efficiency; Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and waste; Implement Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage; Increase the use of Renewable Energy; The Circular Economy is another imperative where companies are working to avoid […]